Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > eating Jesus and the Formless > Page 3


Eating Jesus

Form into Formless & Formless into Form

Page 3

Hence, when we see the form is no longer working, that it is dissolving into the Formless, we let ourselves relax into what is shapeless, silent, and ineffable. Then, later, that form may arise in consciousness again as the play of the Formless. But we will view the form differently. Rather than moving toward the Formless through a form (i.e., devotional spirituality), we are welcoming the Formless to come to us through a form (i.e., nondual spirituality). Yet, either way can be a means to union with the One, while union itself is formless, meaning objectless, imageless, wordless. In union-with-God, we do not have to choose either form or formless, for they are united in the Source. As the Hindus teach, Lila, the dance of Creation, is the dance of Brahman; as Hindus say, God-without-Attributes (i.e., Brahman Nirguna, God Unmanifest) becomes God-with-Attributes (i.e., Brahman Saguna, God Manifest).

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Jesus said, "I [a man, a human, form] and the Father [the Formless] are one." He said, "God is Spirit, and those who worship God must worship in spirit and truth." Jesus had entered into experiential-oneness with the Formless. He invites his followers to worship his Father directly. Ironically, many Christians use Jesus not to do the same as Jesus did-realize oneness with the Father. Yet, they claim to follow him. Then, why not follow him in releasing him-as-man to realize him-in-God? This resistance is not merely a Christian matter but true of other paths. We fear to abandon ourselves into something we cannot see, whether with our eyes or imagination. But what we see and worship is a veil to the Unseen; clinging to the veil keeps one from entering the Inner Sanctum.

A Buddhist saying is, "If you see the Buddha on the road, slay him." This sentiment may appear disrespectful. Yet, the saying highlights that the man-Buddha is a way to the Buddha-within. The Buddha, like Jesus, never instructed that he be an object of worship. If one clings to the man-Buddha, one adheres to a veil and denies the Buddha-teaching, or Dharma. If one clings to Jesus-the-man, one veils the full-Gospel from his or her eyes, seeing dim-light rather than bright-Light.

He destroys that he might build; for when He is about to rear His sacred temple in us, He first totally razes that vain and pompous edifice, which human art and power had erected, and from its horrible ruins a new structure is formed, by His power only.
*Jeanne Guyon. The Autobiography of Madame Guyon.

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This release into the Formless is a gift. What do we find? In repose in the Formless, we find a greater, not a lesser, intimacy with Life. A Christian can be closer to Jesus in the Father than apart from the Father, for example.

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One could claim that one cannot be close to Jesus or another form, man or woman, from the past. A materialistic worldview says, "No way! Jesus is dead-and-gone?" Jesus spoke to his followers, "I will never leave you or abandon you." There is no proof, only prejudice, to say this is not possible. We cannot conclude forms who manifested Pure Spirit for us in the past cannot do so now, especially when we realize the relativity of time-space and the reality of the subtle realm. What we cannot say is how this is possible. We cannot know how Jesus or the Buddha could be with persons now, even as we cannot say how a loved one who so-called died can be with us in the present. Yet, not knowing how does not mean impossible or untrue. It seems wise to accept there are many forms, among them beings from the past, who lead us to connect intimately with the One. And why is it not possible some beings return or come to this Earth-realm to help us? And it seems wise not to cling to manifestations present to help us repose in the Heart of Life.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > eating Jesus and the Formless > Page 3

©Brian Wilcox 2024